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A sheep that had gone astray...

It's been quiet a while since I last wrote anything on here but I figured, today is a new day and it's time!! :)

Life in the last year has been an emotional roller-coaster, with ups, down, twist and turns. Nothing in my life is ever as it seems and always has surprises and things up it's sleeve, LOL.
(Yes, that rhymed, ha ha!)

This past week has really reflected on God..Not only on how amazing He really is, but more on His unfailing, incomparable, unfathomable GRACE! As I have reflected on His Grace this week, I've learned a whole lot.. Mainly that Grace is God's unmerited favor for us, His crazy love, if you will. I once heard at Harvest Christian Fellowship (Pastor Greg Laurie's church) that "GRACE" stood for "God's Riches At Christ's Expense." I couldn't think of a better way to put it...

When I think about God granting me Grace, more and more I realize my worth.
A.) I am favored so highly in the eyes of my King, even if I don't see it in myself sometimes.
B.) It is not something I can earn by being "good enough" or Perfect
C.) In knowing what Christ did for me on the cross to Calvary, I am grateful that I am forgiven of all of my transgressions.
I don't know how God can forgive a sinner like me, after all I've done. He is my Heavenly Father and I know that because of His sovereignty and Grace, I am forgiven and He no longer looks at my past but only at my future. All of my past sins are washed away, the Bible teaches that I am a new creation! Woo-Hoo!!! :)

This past week, I found a dog toy that belonged to Koda and it was a little tiny pet sheep. I didn't think anything of it till I found it outside, on the cement, dirty and gross. For some reason, the Lord used that to remind me of Him. Mind-blowing how He can use anything on this Earth to knock some sense into us and show us that He's ALWAYS there! It reminded me of a few Bible scriptures, the main one in the book of Revelation when John talks about seeing Jesus in the form of a lamb as if it were sent to the slaughter in the form of a Lion..The Lion of Judah, my precious Lord. What a beautiful description and reminder of what the Lord did when He was beaten beyond recognition at the cross. Father, thank You! :)

My goal this week is to put Him on full display and not be ashamed of Him or what He is doing in my life. I don't always understand why He does what He does, why people come and go in my life, opportunities arise and then blow away like the wind, BUT I do know one thing... My Lord is my Master and King and wins in the end!! I need to trust Him with everything that I've got in me. <3 You are in control!!

I have a super busy week in from of me, Chiropractor appointments, working out (Lord willing), Work, Bible Studies, prayer tours in West Los Angeles, and my quiet time with the Lord.

This weekend was absolutely amazing! I went to the "Women's connect event" @ Reality LA. I had an amazing time hearing from Reality LA women like Isabelle Smith (Pastor Lorenzo's amazing wife) and Brie Savard (Robert Naughton's fiancee), both gifted and beautiful women of God. :) I was so blessed to be a part of this event.

Heavenly Father, I praise You for all that You have done in my life, from birth until now! There's no way I can ever repay you, but just by obeying Your commandments for my life, trusting in You and all that You will for my life is, I pray that this is enough. I am so thankful and grateful for Your love, a love I will never truly understand, this side of Heaven. You are my Master and I pray that You reveal Your will for my life, in Your perfect timing. I will follow Your footsteps, follow Your way and place my life in Your hands. I'm trusting You're the way King. Thank You for calling me out of darkness and into Your beautiful light. I give You all of the honor and glory, In the name of Jesus, Your sons holy and precious name, I pray. Amen. <3

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